Company structure
Portman Healthcare (Holdings) Ltd is a limited company registered in England, UK (registered company number 9114888).
Established in 2008, we provide privately funded dental care to patients throughout the UK through the brand of Portman Dental Care. Our business consists of a group of dental practices across the UK and was founded by Sam Waley-Cohen, who is the Chief Executive Officer.
Portman Healthcare Ltd (Company number 6740579) is the main trading company of the Portman Dental Care group. Other companies also trade under this brand. Our practices who trade under alternative trading companies all publish the relevant trading details on their individual practice website.
Portman operates as follows:

As at 1 April 2018:
- we had more than 75 dental practices operating across the UK;
- we employ in excess of 900 employees;
- we engage with over 300 self-employed dental consultants/specialists;
- we engage with approximately 2,500 suppliers per annum.
Our ethos, vision and values
Our vision is to be the best private-focused dental group in the world. We aim to achieve this by:
- putting patient care at the heart of everything we do;
- delivering innovative and world class dental care;
- always looking to develop and improve;
- by being at the heart of every local community; and
- by being an amazing place to work.
In respect of our colleagues, we have implemented a range of internal policies and procedures to ensure best practice and compliance with UK employment laws, e.g. these include; transparent recruitment processes, annual pay reviews, equal opportunities initiatives and protections, health and safety procedures.
Our central value is to treat everyone how we would want to be treated and we apply this principle to our colleagues, patients and third-party contacts.
As a group, we work to the highest professional standards and comply with all laws, regulations and rules which are relevant to our business. Our vision of being at the heart of the local community, aims to improve the impact of our business on the surrounding areas to our practices.
In turn, we expect the same high standards from those we work with and are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking practices in our supply chains or in any part of our business relationships. To help achieve this, and to ensure that our colleagues are aware of the role they can play, our Anti-Slavery Policy is published within all our practices and all teams are currently undergoing, or have undergone, training in this area.
We are committed to working with each of our practices to ensure that our Anti-Slavery Policy is complied with and we manage any breaches or concerns promptly. We have also amended our Whistle-blowing Policy to include guidance around combating anti-slavery and clarifying the protections available for employees who wish to raise a concern without the fear of disciplinary action.
Modern Slavery Act
At Portman, we are committed to improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking within our business operations. We are relentless in our pursuit of delivering quality and excellent dental care to our patients, using our professional expertise with integrity and aligning our actions to the highest standards of business conduct and ethical practices.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. This statement underlines our commitment and actions to ensuring modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in and around our organisation.
This statement is made on behalf of Portman pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement.